It can't be by definition a coup because the rest of the FDS under the old understanding had no authority over the activities of JWs.
John Davis
JoinedPosts by John Davis
the GB's coup of the FDS
by Magnum ini believe the gb's takeover of the fds was an illegal coup - not illegal relative to the laws of land, but illegal according to jw "laws" or doctrine.. according to jw doctrine, the fds is god's channel of communication between heaven and earth.
before the coup, the fds was defined to be all the anointed on earth, and the gb was part of that group and merely the spokesman for the group - individual gb members having no more authority than non-gb members of the fds.. however, a few years ago, the gb, independently of the other members of the fds, decided that it alone was the fds.
that, to me, was an illegal overthrow of the body (fds); it was a coup.. suppose the u.s. president decided that he has all power, and that he removed the powers of the u.s. congress.
Does anyone have info on the guy that sued Jw in Canada
by poopie inbecause he was shunned by his customers?.
John Davis
Does anyone know when the court is expected to publish their decision. I know the US Supreme Court generally release their decisions in a row towards the end of their term.
What would you do for next November 5?
by Faded ini think everything has to start somewhere, and you can see the passion and commitment from those loyal 50 that showed up in warwick yesterday.
the event was not very well organized but you could see the passion & dedication from most of them.
and i think they at least touched a couple of people at the kh yesterday.. having an annual day of action actually inspires me.
John Davis
My question though is what would you consider as a win in these types of protests? When will you say it is done and we won? How can you know if your tactic is working or if you have to make an adjustments or stick with what you are doing?
November 2017 JW broadcasting HYPOCRISY!
by stuckinarut2 i am on a bit of a temper tantrum rant here...but if anyone has (endured) watched this month's broadcast, you will know what i mean!.
i have only watched 20 mins so far, and the hypocrisy is mind blowing.
they dare to go on about how thoroughly they research the material produced, so that errors are prevented etc.. for instance, the actually say how they ensure that a scientist is not misquoted, or that an "evolutionist" is not inaccurately quoted to make it seem like his comments are different to his intentions.
John Davis
I never said that the change is good or bad, either if it is adequate or not. I am just presenting the fact because people keep forgetting that this change was made.
November 2017 JW broadcasting HYPOCRISY!
by stuckinarut2 i am on a bit of a temper tantrum rant here...but if anyone has (endured) watched this month's broadcast, you will know what i mean!.
i have only watched 20 mins so far, and the hypocrisy is mind blowing.
they dare to go on about how thoroughly they research the material produced, so that errors are prevented etc.. for instance, the actually say how they ensure that a scientist is not misquoted, or that an "evolutionist" is not inaccurately quoted to make it seem like his comments are different to his intentions.
John Davis
They have adjusted the policy on two witnesses for child abuse. The last update is that the 2 witness rule will still apply for internal dealings, but that regardless of the matter can be substantiated or not if the law requires it to be reported it will be reported to the proper secular and law enforcement authorities.
Exjw activists protesting inside a Kingdom Hall today!
by Crazyguy inspoonfed nomore, has uploaded a video on his youtube site, of exjw activists protesting inside a kingdom hall during this sunday meeting.
several people speak out.
if some one can put a link on here that would be awesome, i can’t figure out how to do it with an i phone.
John Davis
It may also not just be disturbing the peace. It may also be criminal mischief and trespassing. Also in many states and countries to record someone visually or audible there needs to be two party consent.
Does anyone have info on the guy that sued Jw in Canada
by poopie inbecause he was shunned by his customers?.
John Davis
It would actually have to be more than just telling someone not to do business with someone. If that was the case than organizations that call for boycotts of businesses would be liable. It would have to be saying that and adding slander, such as don't do business with that person because he is an adulterer when the person is not. That would be a tort claim.
Does anyone have info on the guy that sued Jw in Canada
by poopie inbecause he was shunned by his customers?.
John Davis
In this case anyone can have an opinion and it maybe valid for them and how they feel. But in reality in this case the only opinion that actually matters belong to the 9 justices. There can be as much speculation as people want but they will make the final decision.
Highwood Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses v. Randy Wall
by TerryWalstrom in
John Davis
OC well that is one of the questions that the justices are trying to determine if in fact there is a contract and if there is a contract who is the contract between. Just like how one of the justices asked, what is the consideration that a member gives and what is the consideration that the member gets.
The respondent lawyer made the contention that the consideration that the member gets is the association of other members, the justices will have to determine if that can be considered an appropriate legal consideration for the creation and enforcement of a legal contract.
by lastmanstanding inchristian legal fellowship (clf) seems to have a new member.
the jehovah’s witnesses aka the watchtower.the membership list does not seem to be public, but i am sure that with enough inquiries from the public -that clog the arteries of their email server- we can get at the truth.just like the watchtower affiliation with the un, it seems now the watchtower has affiliated with trinitarians.the clf brings legal action on behalf of the tower.. . be a member with the clf, the watchtower... "must be able and willing to sign the statement of faith...." item 2 of the clf "statement of faith" "there is one god, eternally existent in three persons: father, son and holy spirit.".
John Davis
I don't know what you know and what you don't know, so that is why I worded bit the way I did. And I understand that you are making the innuendo that because other churches filled interveners that they are all colluding together and that where applicable watchtower is a member associated with them.
But u also are making an accusation with no evidence. You make the accusation and then hope that there is evidence to back it up.